

FsHub2Discord is an online, community driven service that converts FSHub Webhook data into fancy Discord embeds.
Currently the app is in a very basic state, and we are planning on adding more features such as:

  • Customizing the embeds
  • Event filtering on-site
  • Event caching (to eliminate potential data loss)
  • A video tutorial!
and more!

💡 Caught a bug? Have a suggestion? Please drop issues and a suggestions over at our issue tracker.

Enjoying the service? Consider donating!

Need help? Join our Discord!

How to use

Firstly you will need to create a Discord webhooks. Visit the desired channel to send the messages, Settings > Integrations > Webhooks > New webhook Then copy the URL and paste it into the webhook URL field here and configure the webhook to your liking.

Finally, visit FSHub integrations at Settings > Integrations or Airline Manage > Integration (for VAs) and paste the generated webhook URL into the FSHub webhook URL field.

WARNING! Webhooks will NOT work if you have the option "Chat Server" toggled on! Make sure it's OFF!

Webhook Configuration

Please type here the webhook URL you'd like the service to use.

!! Warning !!

Please note that the service is currently in a very early stage of development, there could be bugs!
Supported webhook events:

  • profile.updated
  • flight.departed
  • flight.arrived
  • flight.completed
  • flight.updated
Support for other events will be added in the future. Stay tuned on our Discord server.

Event Filter

Which events would you like the webhook to accept? *

Enjoying the service? Consider donating!

Privacy note: The service by default will save the following data: webhook URL, api event (event from fshub) and usage. This data is used to detect which events are the most common and have the most interests so we can improve the service. In addition this data is used to know how popular the service is totally and plan server upgrades. We will never sell or give out to third parties.
DoNotTrackMe: If you wish for your webhook to not be tracked please add the following to the webhook url on fshub: ?dnt=1 and the service will no longer track your usage.

Not affiliated with FsHub.io and its trademarks | Design inspired via SkyhookAPI.com | Operated by alepouna.dev